Return & Exchange Policy
1. Ordered merchandise may be exchanged within seven(7) days (including Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays) upon receipt if the merchandise you ordered are faulty, defective or damaged or the merchandise is not what you ordered. Product(s) should be returned to our exchange office once request is approved.
2. We do not accept any request without order information or receipts.
3. Our customer service representatives might request for photos and/or videos of the product.
4. We will not accept the following reasons:
• Product is not in 100% new condition, or has been used
• Product has been washed by water or detergent
• Products has been damaged, stained or incomplete due to human factor
• Color variation between photos and products.
• Free gifts
• Products has been exchanged once already
• Change of your mind
• Rewarded product by points redemption
5. Color variation will be occurred due to lighting of photo shooting, mobile phone /computer monitor screen, the color of product is subject to the actual product.
6. If your selected product(s) is out of stock, you can exchange to product(s) of the same designer and its/their aggregate price must be equal to the original order amount, or settle any deficiency for product(s) at a higher price. No refund for the surplus amount if the exchanged product is at a lower price.
7. Under any circumstances, delivery fee will not be refunded, if any.
8. Delivery cartoon box does not form part of the ordered merchandise. We will not provide any after sale service nor arrange for refund nor arrange for exchange.
9. We will proceed the exchange process within 5 working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) upon receiving your return.
10. All up approved / ineligible exchange will not be served, and will be returned to customers by SF Express without any prior notice. Customers have to bear any extra cost and risk that may cause.
In case of any discrepancy between the English and Traditional Chinese version, the Traditional Chinese version shall prevail. We reserve the right to amend the above Terms and Conditions without prior notice and have the final decision in case of any dispute.
1. 如閣下於收貨後發現產品出現任何非由閣下引致的損壞或嚴重品質問題,遺漏或錯誤送遞產品,可於收貨日期的7天內 (包括星期六日及公眾假期) 聯繫我們的客戶服務同事,獲得確認後寄回貨品致本公司提供之換貨地址。
2. 若未能提供訂單或收據資料以作證明,恕不接受退貨。
3. 客戶服務可能會要求你提供相片和/或影片,以核實符合退換條件。
4. 以下情況不接受退換,包括但不限於:
• 產品已非全新狀態,或已經使用
• 產品已用水或清潔劑清洗過
• 產品已受人為破損、有污漬或不完整
• 產品與網站照片色差
• 任何免費贈品
• 已退換一次的貨品
• 改變心意而退貨
• 以購物金換領的貨品
5. 拍攝光線、手機或電腦顯示屏等因素均有可能造成相片色差,產品顏色以實物為準。
6. 如同款產品經已售罄,可換相同設計師之同等或低於原本購買價值之產品,或補差價較高價值之產品。如退換至較原本價值低之產品,餘額不設退款。
7. 在任何情況下,恕不退回任何運費。
8. 部分商品因為方便配送關係會有運輸紙箱作包裝,由於運輸紙箱並不屬於商品及/或其包裝的任何部分,因此我們並不會對所有運輸紙箱的配送標籤、破損及缺陷等問題進行任何形式的售後服務或安排退款或更換。
9. 我們在收到你的退件後,將於五個工作天內 (不包括星期六日及公眾假期) 為你安排辦理退換貨流程。
10. 任何未經申請及確定/不符合退換貨條件之商品,將不獲得處理,並將直接以順豐運費到付形式寄回,不作另行通知,客人需自行承擔所產生的任何費用及風險。